Reported by: Simon Josefsson Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 12:12:01 UTC. Severity: wishlist. Fixed in version yubico-piv-tool/0.1.5-1. Done: Hans-Christoph Steiner Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.
Stockholmsbolaget Foreseeti tar in 9 miljoner kronor av Yubico-investeraren Simon Josefsson och Accedo-vd:n Michael Lantz. Bolaget ska nu ta sitt
Done: Hans-Christoph Steiner
- Digg myndigheten för digital förvaltning
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RP locates the OP • Several mechanisms exists, simplest is to retrieve the URL and look for HTML HEAD link rel nodes 3. RP redirects browser to OP
Nigel Williams
24 aug 2020 Uppdatering 2: Yubico har gjort en pudel och uppdaterat sin blogg. Simon Josefsson har genomfört en säkerhetsevaluering av den
gpg> quit jas@latte:~$ Confirm gpg --list-keys indicate that the key is now trusted, and encrypting to yourself should work. Yubico has learned of a security issue with the OpenPGP Card applet project that is used in the YubiKey NEO. This vulnerability applies to you only if you are using OpenPGP, and you have the OpenPGP applet version 1.0.9 or earlier.
2019年3月22日 For comparison with a RSA/YubiKey based approach, you can read about pgp @pgplive:/home/pgp$ gpg --quick-gen-key "Simon Josefsson
Yubico ), Niclas Mollin (fd InRiver) och de institutionella investerarna
Command line tool for the YubiKey PIV applet Accepted yubico-piv-tool 1.5.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable (Simon Josefsson); [2017-10-15] yubico-piv-tool
Auth * @package Auth_Yubico * @author Simon Josefsson 15 jul 2020 och grundare av Stardoll, Lendify-chefen Erika Eliasson, Peter Benson som driver Affärsvärlden och Yubico-veteranen Simon Josefsson. 11 Dec 2019 Other new investors include Simon Josefsson, early investor in Internet security company Yubico, WES founder Anna Stenberg, former NHL
I was just considering upgrading my Yubikey to their new FIDO U2F Security Key (In reply to Simon Josefsson from comment #10) > We have published a
Simon Josefsson Yubico Ab: stä tuli kertomaan heistä ja tuosta innovaatiosta. Firma on ollut olemassa puolitoista vuotta ja sillä on 9 henkeä töissä Tukholmassa
2019年3月22日 For comparison with a RSA/YubiKey based approach, you can read about pgp @pgplive:/home/pgp$ gpg --quick-gen-key "Simon Josefsson
of your Yubikey with GPG - Callan Bryant photo. Will Vifm Be My New Terminal File Manager? Maybe! Contribute to Yubico/yubico-pam-dpkg development by creating an account on GitHub. Se Simon Josefssons profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Simon har angett 24 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Simons kontakter och hitta jobb på liknande företag. Simon har angett 24 jobb i sin profil. Yubikey
7 May 2016 Yubico, among other companies, produces compatible hardware in the form of a FIDO U2F [22] Simon Josefsson. The Base16, Base32, and
(e.g., YubiKey [5]), or OAuth [6] fall in the latter category, where a user proves their identity based on [96] Colin Percival and Simon Josefsson. The scrypt
Se Simon Josefssons profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Simon Josefsson Datakonsult ABStockholms Universitet 15 jul 2020 och grundare av Stardoll, Lendify-chefen Erika Eliasson, Peter Benson som driver Affärsvärlden och Yubico-veteranen Simon Josefsson. 11 Dec 2019 Other new investors include Simon Josefsson, early investor in Internet security company Yubico, WES founder Anna Stenberg, former NHL
I was just considering upgrading my Yubikey to their new FIDO U2F Security Key (In reply to Simon Josefsson from comment #10) > We have published a
Simon Josefsson Yubico Ab: stä tuli kertomaan heistä ja tuosta innovaatiosta. Firma on ollut olemassa puolitoista vuotta ja sillä on 9 henkeä töissä Tukholmassa
2019年3月22日 For comparison with a RSA/YubiKey based approach, you can read about pgp @pgplive:/home/pgp$ gpg --quick-gen-key "Simon Josefsson
of your Yubikey with GPG - Callan Bryant photo. The Base16, Base32, and
(e.g., YubiKey [5]), or OAuth [6] fall in the latter category, where a user proves their identity based on [96] Colin Percival and Simon Josefsson. The scrypt
Se Simon Josefssons profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Simon Josefsson Datakonsult ABStockholms Universitet 0:00 / 58:32. Simon har angett 24 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Simons kontakter och hitta jobb på liknande företag. We are going to walk through Yubico’s PGP support for signing and encryption, and explain how the PGP interaction works, step by step. Server and client registration and authentication ceremonies are incorporated through the backend in the key handling processes.
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6 Oct 2019 01 Jan 2018 at 14:28:34 +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote: >> I want to I got given a Yubikey 5
6 feb 2019 Rundan leds av Yubico-investeraren Simon Josefsson, men även Capio- grundaren Per Båtelson, Kry-medgrundaren Josefin Landgård samt